Maintenance and Service

    • Avoid any cleansers that have an abrasive action, such as scouring powder. The easiest way to remove stains is with citric acid or tartaric acid, which you should rinse off carefully afterwards. Limescale can be removed using an old housewives' recipe: "Heat up some household vinegar to around 50°C. Rub this into the limescale. Leave to soak. Repeat the treatment if necessary." It worked then and it works now!

    • Use a damp cloth and mild detergent. Don't use cleansers that contain acid or ammonia. Nor should you use caustic soda or strong bleaches. If you want a really good shine you can finish off with a fine polish and then wax with traditional car wax (!). If you do this regularly you will get a finish that will look as good as new for many years to come.

    • If you want to clean your massage bath thoroughly we recommend that you use our cleaning fluid (below right). Proceed as follows: Fill the bath with water so that it covers all the nozzles. Add the detergent for the massage system (according to the dosage on the bottle). Start the system and let it run for about ten minutes. Empty the bath and repeat the procedure with water alone.

Svedbergs Bathrooms

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